Jacek Poremba

Was born in Łódź in 1966.

As a professional photographer he has been working since 1990. Poremba specializes in fashion, portraits and advertising photography. He has worked for the most important Polish magazines as Viva, Uroda, Pani, Gala, Cosmopolitan, Twój Styl and Marie Claire. He is also an author of many CD and LP covers: Kayah/Bregovic, Nosowska, Lipnicka/Porter, Bartosiewicz, Kowalska, Jopek, Kora, Maria Peszek.

Another field of Jacek Poremba artistic activity is his cooperation with Polish National Opera in working on opera posters for such directors as Mariusz Treliński and Krzysztof Warlikowski.

In 2001 during his journey to Sudan Poremba started his author’s projects: “portrait” and “landscape”. Although both projects require a lot of traveling, Poremba successfully managed to reconcile artistic photography with commercial work.